Songs of the Silver Screen
February 10th
Seabury at Friendship Terrace
Songs of the Silver Screen
February 17th
Asbury Assisted Living
Songs of the Silver Screen
March 1st
Victory Tower
The Sapphires Go Mambo
April 19th
Modena Reserve
The Sapphires Go Mambo
April 21st
Tribute at Black Hills
The Sapphires Go Mambo
May 1st
Friends Club Bethesda
The Sapphires Go Mambo
June 19th
Chevy Chase House
The Sapphires Go Mambo
July 20th
The Virginian
The Sapphires Go Mambo
September 26th
Thomas Circle
The Sapphires Go Mambo
October 6th
Tall Oaks
The Sapphires Go Mambo
October 23rd
Ring House
Happy Together...The Sapphires Sing their Favorites!
November 9th
The Seneca Rockville
Happy Together...The Sapphires Sing their Favorites!
November 22nd
The Jefferson